Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hike & ECCC Crit

This week/weekend Daisy's dad is in town. Yesterday we went for a hike. The trees are just starting to get their leaf-buds on the ridge, but the bees were going crazy with some flowering bush! Spring is coming little by little.

This spot is a burn zone from a few years back. Clear views, and a favorite trail for mountain bikers. (That will be us in a few months!) Also, in a couple months it will be packed with wild blueberries...

Hamlet loves to roll

Coolin' off after the hike - great spot for a drink
Today we headed a few blocks towards downtown to check out the ECCC Crit! They're hosting the conference championships here at PSU, and it was an exciting set of races.

Hamlet is unphased by cyclists passing at 20+ mph


Camping with Hamlet

Hamlet now has a couple nights of camping to put on his next puppy report! Earlier in April we went on two separate weekends -- one hike-in, and one drive-in. Unfortunately for us, both times the weather looked like it would be in the high 30/40s from the mid-week forecast, but then was ~10 deg colder than predicted by the time the weekend came! Fortunately for us, we had warm sleeping bags and down comforter(s)!
Car camping - got the stuff to the table, and Hamlet takes a little run around.
As you would expect, Hamlet enjoyed himself because he loves to be outside - like most any dog.

Jason starts the fire

Since it was cold, the campground was almost abandoned
Before we got the tent and all this set up, we went for a hike. A couple nice views, and saw a mtn biking cyclist. Also, I spotted something that I suspected was a porcupine - and was glad to spot it before Hamlet got interested!

Can you see it?


Taking his turn at the wheel

As a bonus, check out these pics from earlier this winter -- hiking in the snow!

Lovin' the snow

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Heel box

Happy Hamlet Heeling.
The heel box is a small step for Hamlet to put his two feet on. We practice getting him to realize that he has back feet and that he can move them independently from his front feet. This is part of the technique to train him for the commands 'heel' and 'side', where he is supposed to come along the trainer's left or right side, respectively.

He is learning it fast! He absolutely loves the box we made him. (So much so that he wanted to eat it at first! ha!) It was a little slippery, so we took some purple felt and glued it to the top. Now, I think it just looks royal. Hamlet the princess with his royal heel box!

Recently we received a great dog toy in the mail from Daisy's parents! It is made out of fire hose and is very durable. Hamlet went after it immediately.

In other news, we still cut his toenails. Daisy's technique is so great/funny/effective that I thought I'd throw up a couple more photos of it.

New toy!

Hamlet's position while Daisy and I eat breakfast.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

New shaping

Shaping with the bowl.
Last night we decided to start being a little more diligent about practicing "shaping" with Hamlet. Shaping is where you have the clicker, some good treats, and Hamlet at attention. The goal is for him to figure out what you want him to do, by just trying different things. We're teaching him to put his paws on an upside-down bowl on the floor. We started by clicking and treating for when he looked at the bowl. Then, when he moved towards it, and then touched it, and then when he put his foot on it and looked up at us. He is already this far on the second night! (So fast!) Tomorrow, we'll try to get him to put both paws on it and look up at Daisy. Fun times. :)

In case you're wondering, "shaping" is the game the official trainers will play to teach new skills in advanced training. This could be anything from turning off the lights, to opening doors, to pulling off socks!

Sleepy time with the stick as a cuddle buddy!
(OK, so I did put his arm over the stick.)
In other news, when we're not trying to get Hamlet to do tricks, he is still often sleeping. Once we gave him the mostly empty peanut butter container. (He loved it!) And last week at puppy class/event we weighed him - 65 lbs. Our big boy. (Although he still doesn't seem that big to us.

Keeping Hamlet busy is easy with peanut butter.
He waits to eat until we say "OK!"
Chocoflan from our anniv. last week! Yum!!!
(We made it again already for friends.)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Snow angel" and home-school puppy class

Hamlet's "snow angel"
It snowed more again this weekend. Hamlet loves it! When it is fresh and he steps outside he just wants to roll in it. You know how kids like to make snow angels? Well, Hamlet's version is right here!

Before the snow this weekend, it rained very seriously during the week. On Wednesday the rain was so bad that when Daisy and Annabelle were driving to puppy class they decided to turn around and come home. They had puppy class in our apartment instead! This was great fun (except for the complaint from the neighbor...) and they practiced all sorts of commands and had a great time playing, too.
The "leave it challenge" x2!
Today was Daisy and I's 1 yr partnership anniversary! We made delicious enchiladas and chocoflan. Yummm! One of the other activities was building a soft bed for Hamlet's crate. He tends to wake up a couple times during the night and turn over very loudly. We believe this will quiet that a bit! We used an old sheet, cut it, sewed up the sides, and filled it with old t-shirts, boxers, and other clothes. He seems to like it so far - at least he knew what to do with it (lay down).

Hamlet still sleeps a lot, and he still gets in these really awkward sleeping positions. I'm not sure how or why he likes it on his back with his paws in the air, but it works somehow!

Slowdancing in the afternoon.
In other news, Hamlet and Daisy spent a little time slowdancing. Aren't they cute?

Wohoo! (aka still not too big to hold)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hamlet goes to a basketball game!

I can't believe he fit under the seat!
We took Hamlet to his first Penn State women's basketball game.  It was so fun and exciting!  We had a very busy day before the game, so luckily Hamlet was ready for a nap.  We had already gone out for lattes, to the art museum on campus, and out to dinner even before the game.  When we got there Hamlet crawled under the seats and laid down.  He alternated between staring at us for treats (lots!), napping, and watching the game.

For a while, he was watching the action
In case you're curious, the game was very fun and exciting.  It was our first time, and luckily Daisy's mom was with us to explain what was happening.  The band was there making lots of noise, and it took Hamlet a few minutes to get used to the drums and cheering.  The teams were pretty evenly matched and the score was close until the last few minutes.  But... Penn State won!  It was a great experience for Hamlet and for us - we plan to repeat a few times.
He's looking good!

More snow, cutting toenails

In the state game lands, with a safety vest.
Last weekend when we went out for our hike there was a new set of snow! This year has done a good job of keeping it around since the first dusting. We have a few photos for you today -- including a couple showing Daisy cutting Hamlet's toenails! This is done most easily by choosing a time when Hamlet is really tired or just plain asleep. Sometimes he'll fall back asleep while you hold him upside-down with his paw in your hand!

If we lay on the floor he'll come to join us.

Naptime, after destroy-the-box time.
OK. Hamlet's sleeping... let's go cut his nails!

Just slide him off his bed, and do the front first.

Spin him around for the back set. This time
he really did fall back asleep!